Tuesday 1 February 2011

Atlantic Landscapes

Basic Level.

When we meet people from other countries, or when we travel abroad, we are often asked about where we live. Can you describe your island in English?

Take half an hour to have a look at the wonderful photographic exhibition about Gran Canaria in our school. It was prepared by Javier Gil León, an English student of NB2. Then, do two of the activities below and give them to your teacher before February 28th. Perhaps you will win a fantastic prize!

1.    Prepare a short monologue for your classmates and your teacher telling us about one of your hiking experiences in Gran Canaria. You can use a PowerPoint to illustrate your talk, too!

2.    Choose the photograph that you like best. Make a note of its title and the number of the panel where it appears. Imagine you are going to send this photo to a friend who lives in another country. Write a short text by inventing answers to these questions:
·     Why are you sending this photo to your friend?
·     Why do you like this photo?
·     Who took it? When? Why?
·     What was happening when the person took the photo?
Tell your friend more about who or what is in the photo.
End the text with the words, “And I live here!”   Write about 100 words.

3.    Look for the photographs of the shepherds. Choose one of them. Use your imagination to write a text of about 100 words by answering these questions:
·     Who is the person in the photo?
·     How old is he? Where was he born? Where does he live? What does he do all day?
·     What does he like doing? What doesn’t he like doing?
·     Why is this person special?

4.    Study all the photographs in the exhibition. Think of a piece of music that, in your opinion, could accompany them. Explain your choice by writing a short text of 80 words which answers these questions:
·     Who composed the music?
·     How would you describe the music?
·     Why is it ideal for the photographic exhibition?

5.    Make a simple set of instructions for a group of English-speaking tourists who want to go hiking in Gran Canaria. Suggest one of the routes in the photos.

6.    Work with a partner. Person A: you work for an English language TV programme called, Let’s Go Canarias! You have been asked to do an interview with the photographer of this exhibition. Person B: you are the photographer. Your interview should last about 7 minutes. Record it and send it to your teacher.

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